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    ¥0 ¥500,000
    Soyblanc's profile picture

    See the list of works

    date of birth / gender / blood type

    male / type O

    Birthplace -hometown-


    Title -title-

    contemporary artist

    Profile -career-

    life is beautiful There are many painting materials made from living things, but there is no material other than mother-of-pearl that makes living things shine.
    The luster that shines in the seven colors of the mother-of-pearl layer of shells illuminates the hidden inner nature of people, and the raden increases its brilliance in darkness and light.
    As if to symbolize the brilliance, vitality, strength, and faint hope of human beings exposed to hardships.

    Activity history -the theme of making a treasure-

    Exhibition history
    2007 | "GGS Corio Graduation Exhibition"
    2021 | "JAAT 100 People 10 Exhibition"
    2022 | "TRiCERA Unplugged", "TRiCERA Black and White Exhibition", "Roses and Castles Shibuya"

    The trigger for starting art -the trigger for art-

    Majored in visual arts and visual communication design at Geelong Grammar School in Australia.
    Learn the basics of primitive art, Western painting history, and industrial design process from local Aborigines.
    After graduating, he graduated from the Japan Film School. After working in movies, TV projects, advertising agencies, etc., he started his activities as an artist in 2021.

    Motivation for making works -motivation-

    "Living is beautiful" I am making works with such a concept.
    I feel that the world is getting darker to the extent that this simple word has meaning, and I continue to create works because such a situation is wrong in the first place.
    Even if I die, the work will continue to live as a copy of my thoughts. I continue to affirm the beauty of living.

    Dream as an artist -dream as an artist-

    I don't have any big ambitions, but I would like to have a community of artists and collectors who like mother-of-pearl, which I love.

    Motto -motto-

    life is beautiful

    -where to make a treasure-


    Favorite art tool -favorite tool-


    Hobby -hobby-


    Dominant hand -dominant hand-


    Favorite food -favorite food-


    Favorite music -favorite music-

    Lofi, Jazz, Electrica

    favorite animal


    Favorite movie -favorite movie-


    A word to those who are watching my work -messeage-

    Enjoy the brilliance of shellfish!

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      ¥0 ¥500,000
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