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date of birth / gender / blood type
October 31, 1982/Male/Type O
Dominant hand -dominant hand-
right hand
Birthplace -hometown-
Kawachinagano City, Osaka Prefecture
Title -title-
career -career-
While working as a clothing salesperson for more than 10 years, he draws pictures in detail.
Inspired by Instagram and the art exhibition "Unknown Asia", he retired at the end of 2019 and became a freelance illustrator.
A wide range of activities such as apparel collaboration such as New Balance, goods for celebrities, event illustrations for department stores, craft beer, corporate advertisements, and illustrations.
Exhibition history
2021 | Solo exhibition at Nishinomiya Hankyu Department Store
2020 | Unknown Asia2020 Kiyo Bank Award
Motto -motto-
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
Works Theme -the theme of making a treasure-
It's about making the people who watch it feel a little happier. I think it's one of the entertainment with movies and more.
Dream as an artist -dream as an artist-
I am an artist and a businessman. I think that being able to make a lot of money from painting will be a great contribution to society. Above all, I want my family to live a rich life.
The trigger for starting art -the trigger for art-
I majored in illustration at a vocational school. From that point on, my passion for painting grew stronger.
Motivation for making works -motivation-
Anyway, I am improving. I just want to be good at it, this is my heart.
-where to make a treasure-
dining table at home
Favorite art tool -favorite tool-
Acrylic gouache・iPad
Hobby -hobby-
Favorite food -favorite food-
Favorite music -favorite music-
Older songs from around the 80's, regardless of Japanese or Western music
favorite animal
Favorite movie -favorite movie-
Back to the Future/Forrest Gump/Die Hard/Stand by Me etc.
A word to those who are watching my work -messeage-
I hope you enjoy it.