


Regular price ¥78,000
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production year 2021
art materials/techniques Collage on wood panels
Size (length x width) 515×364 (mm)
original or reproduction original picture
number of editions
*Only for reproductions

Framed Nothing
sign Yes

<Story of the work>

A work that has been able to keep repeating "it looks like it's going to be interesting". Based on a woman's body, I added cut-out parts one by one, and at some point, there was nothing left to add... At that point, I completed it.

<A word from the staff>
A male artist from Tokyo who creates works experimentally and intuitively, regardless of themes. nsejnsej . The works that express his view of the world are pop and chaotic, and give a new shock to those who see them.

artwork by nsejnsej_1

artwork by nsejnsej_2

This work, which was created by combining objects that exist around us, has a near-futuristic impression and is exciting just by looking at it.

It's surprising that nsejnsej's work, which normally costs over 100,000 yen, can be bought for less than 100,000 yen. Why not take this opportunity to welcome them into your room?

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