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    date of birth / gender / blood type

    / Female / Type B

    Birthplace -hometown-

    Tochigi Prefecture

    Title -title-


    Profile -career-

    Born in Tochigi Prefecture in 1991, moved to Okinawa in 2014 and is currently working as an artist.
    Most of his works have themes that sway back and forth between dreams and reality, expressing the fusion of reality and unreality.
    At first glance, it is characterized by a dark world of eroticism and fantasy.
    He creates works that interweave his own thoughts and feelings, such as the purity hidden in the depths and the "light and shadow" that all things emit.
    She uses a variety of materials for her work, including oil painting, watercolor, pencils, ballpoint pens, coffee and wine.
    In recent years, I often create works with the theme of the transience, majesty, and fusion of the natural world.
    I plan to continue to express myself using various things in the future, and I would like to create exhibitions of photographs, video works, and music.

    Activity history -the theme of making a treasure-

    2012 |“Seiko Exhibition” (Ueno Museum of Art, Tokyo)
    2013 |「Fountain Art Fair 2013」(New York ARMORY Gallery)
    2014 | "Koyo Exhibition" (Ueno Museum of Art, Tokyo)
    2015 |「Cavalieri Art Hotel Art Auction」(Republic of Malta)
    2016 |「Japan Festival Berlin Print Art Collection」(Berlin Germany)
    2018 |「BUDS Vol.1 Exhibition」(Stock room Gallery KOZA/Okinawa),「7 Artist "HAMON" Exhibition」(Stock Room Gallery KOZA/Okinawa),「5 Painters'Art Making Film "Storokes in the dark"」( Stock Room Gallery KOZA/Okinawa)
    2019 |「-Kurumi.Walnut- First Solo Exhibition "963"」(People's Art Gallery/Okinawa),「"Belief" Group Exhibition」(People's Art Gallery/Okinawa)
    2020 | "Creator's Circuit 04 Kurumi.walnut Exhibition" (Okuma Private Beach and Resort/Okinawa)
    2021 |「-Kurumi.Walnut- Exhibition of Past Works」(People's Art Gallery/Okinawa)

    The trigger for starting art -the trigger for art-

    Ever since I was little, I have loved writing, writing, and drawing pictures.

    Motivation for making works -motivation-

    Important people, the natural world, the reason for living, because I'm not good at putting it into words, as a means.

    Dream as an artist -dream as an artist-

    Every day, I want my work to give shape to the world inside me.

    Motto -motto-

    Mizukyu Fugetsuryu

    -where to make a treasure-

    Favorite art tool -favorite tool-

    Hobby -hobby-

    Reading/Photography/Singing secretly/Nature/Lyrics

    Dominant hand -dominant hand-

    Favorite food -favorite food-

    Favorite music -favorite music-

    favorite animal

    Favorite movie -favorite movie-

    A word to those who are watching my work -messeage-

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