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date of birth / gender / blood type
March 10, 1998/Male/Type O
Dominant hand -dominant hand-
right handed
Birthplace -hometown-
Kagawa Prefecture
career -career-
I am active as a contemporary painter with the theme of "exorcism, soul, energy". As a result of thinking about the various evils around him, he creates works with the motif of evil gods with the message "Poison is defeated by poison."
Currently in Hyogo Prefecture, in addition to being a contemporary painter, he is active in a wide range of activities such as participating in art events as a live painter.
June 2021 | Established “Kerekere Secret Base” to create a place for children.
From 2022 | Established "NOAH'sART Co., Ltd." to plan and manage art exhibitions, create a place for children to belong through art, and carry out activities to make art more familiar.
Motto -motto-
there is no correct answer to the expression
Works Theme -the theme of making a treasure-
Evil, energy, etc. for warding off evil
Dream as an artist -dream as an artist-
I would like to draw works that can give impact and energy to everyone in Japan and overseas. I would like to do live painting activities overseas someday.
The trigger for starting art -the trigger for art-
I have always liked drawing since I was a child, and when I happened to participate in an exhibition when I was in college, I began to fully engage in the art world. Rather than drawing for someone else, I pursued the goal of expressing my own feelings, resulting in my current style.
Also, the reason why I started drawing in the genre of exorcism is that when I did a live painting at a temple for the first time, I felt the power of negative energy when people saw it, rather than drawing sacred things such as divine beasts and spirit beasts. I started to draw spiritual beasts born from negativity = demons.
Motivation for making works -motivation-
Basically, in order to draw what is born from negative human emotions, avoid times when it is difficult to express demons, such as when you are in a good mood or when you are happy. to In addition, it is also affected by my own emotions, so I complete the work on the same day.
-where to make a treasure-
Atelier in Kobe
Favorite art tool -favorite tool-
nothing special
Hobby -hobby-
Favorite food -favorite food-
Favorite music -favorite music-
favorite animal
Favorite movie -favorite movie-
Psychopath system
A word to those who are watching my work -messeage-
Thank you for visiting my work! I would appreciate it if you could convert a little bit of energy to everyone. Thank you for your continued support.