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See the list of works
date of birth / gender / blood type
January 31, 1989/Female/Type O
Dominant hand -dominant hand-
Birthplace -hometown-
Top of Osaka (Nose Town)
Title -title-
career -career-
Exhibition history
2014 | Solo Exhibition “BIO” (Dongjidai Gallery)
2015 | Live Paint in SUMMER SONIC OSAKA
2016 | Solo exhibition "BIO2" (MI gallery)
2017 | Group exhibition "FACE" (ART Lab OMM), live painting, etc.
2018 | CD jacket, logo artwork, etc.
2019 | Exhibited at UNKNOWN ASIA
2020 | Exhibited at pop up shops, created logo artwork, etc.
2021 | Exhibited at UNKNOWN ASIA, Dojima Crosswalk Award
Motto -motto-
Shania (meaning go my own way)
Works Theme -the theme of making a treasure-
With the theme of "feelings only because we are alive", I am creating with the thought that it would be nice if some kind of feeling could be conveyed through the work.
Dream as an artist -dream as an artist-
I want to create objects and large wall artworks that can be seen by many people.
The trigger for starting art -the trigger for art-
From an early age, I grew up watching my parents' activities as artists, and I felt that drawing was something that was taken for granted.
Motivation for making works -motivation-
Scratches other than dying. I would like to cherish the emotions of the moment when I am drawing, and to leave behind as many works as possible as a proof of my life.
-where to make a treasure-
home atelier
Favorite art tool -favorite tool-
pencil/oil pastel
Hobby -hobby-
Favorite food -favorite food-
Hard bread/Nuts/Curry/Chocolate
Favorite music -favorite music-
general black music
favorite animal
Favorite movie -favorite movie-
A word to those who are watching my work -messeage-
I would be very happy if you could "feel" something by looking at my work.
Let's enjoy now ♩