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date of birth / gender / blood type
December 18, 1999 / Male / Type A
Birthplace -hometown-
Kanagawa Prefecture
Title -title-
someone who likes to draw
Profile -career-
You are the hero of your own life. Enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Activity history -the theme of making a treasure-
The trigger for starting art -the trigger for art-
As I studied design, I became interested in art. Also because I thought it was more suitable for art than design.
Motivation for making works -motivation-
The desire to express concretely and abstractly the things that have influenced me on a daily basis, and the inquisitiveness of color combinations and methods of expressing touch.
Dream as an artist -dream as an artist-
always create what you want
Motto -motto-
FREEDOM To be free. to be yourself.
-where to make a treasure-
room at home
Favorite art tool -favorite tool-
Hobby -hobby-
watch football
Dominant hand -dominant hand-
Favorite food -favorite food-
Miso ramen, seafood in general
Favorite music -favorite music-
favorite animal
cat, monkey
Favorite movie -favorite movie-
AKIRA, Avatar
A word to those who are watching my work -messeage-
Thank you so much😭