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See the list of works
date of birth / gender / blood type
-/Male/Type O
Dominant hand -dominant hand-
Birthplace -hometown-
Title -title-
career -career-
1981 | Born in Saitama, Japan
2011 | Entrepreneurship in environmental business. Focus on your business as president. Started creating works at the same time
2020 | In the midst of the corona crisis, I want people all over the world to "grasp new possibilities", and I started posting my works on various SNS. Inspired by the theme "Hibi" to convey his message
2021 | Start accepting applications for awards and selling works
Exhibition history
2021/1 | Exhibited at "Italy Milan MADS Exhibition"
2021/3 | Exhibited at the 23rd AIDS Charity Art Exhibition held at the Kyocera Museum of Art. Excellence Award
2021/4 | Exhibited at the 5th Mahoroba Asuka Art Exhibition held at Nara Prefectural Manyo Cultural Center. Received the Chairman Art Award. Exhibited at "Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba Cooperation Artrum Group Exhibition sponsored by GALLERY21"
2021/6 | Exhibited at "FOCUSARTFair" in Paris, France
2021/8 | Exhibited at "Independent Tokyo 2021" and exhibited at "FOCUSARTFair" in London, UK
2021/9 | Double Tall–Art and Espresso Bar Nihonbashi, Participated in the closed party of "Interior Abstract Painting Group Exhibition" GINZA SIX Tsutaya Books
2021/10 | Exhibited at "Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA2021" at Grand Front Osaka North Building B2F, and exhibited at "ART ART" group exhibition at Ishikawa Gallery Ginza
Motto -motto-
If dust piles up, it becomes a mountain
Works Theme -the theme of making a treasure-
The “crack” that I put into my work is the beginning of all things, and it is an opportunity for each person to look into it and grasp infinite possibilities.
Dream as an artist -dream as an artist-
As a lifelong artist, I want to influence many people.
The trigger for starting art -the trigger for art-
In the midst of the corona wreck, he wants people all over the world to "grasp new possibilities", so he started disseminating his works on various SNS.
Motivation for making works -motivation-
I think it's about creating a new day to receive the possibilities.
-where to make a treasure-
Favorite art tool -favorite tool-
Hobby -hobby-
art appreciation
Favorite food -favorite food-
Favorite music -favorite music-
favorite animal
Favorite movie -favorite movie-
A word to those who are watching my work -messeage-